Autumn is definitely starting to take hold. A few weeks back we thought summer had left us then we got another couple of weeks of fabulous weather. Now, however, it’s getting dark earlier, the leaves are turning, the stags will be roaring soon and the weather is, well, just more.

The Art of Coorie
I learnt a new word this week – “Coorie”.
Depending on who you read it is either the latest lifestyle trend based on the traditional Scottish word to get cosy and snuggle down and set to replace the Scandinavian “Hygge” as the trend of the moment OR a made up corruption of an old Gaelic word reflecting the need for a cosy warm retreat from the rigours of a hard outdoor life.
Whichever you go for the overall sense remains the same. It suggests a simplicity of decor and a warm cosy home to get back to after a day out in the wilds. This is where Mull excels for the autumn / winter months.
Places do close out of season, there aren’t the same number of eateries to choose from and it’s a bit harder to find organised trips and tours and activities. But that sort of misses the point. It is a favourite time for many who live here. There is a quietness and yes “cosiness” in the winter months. Getting out and about in the wilds and experiencing the weathers holds a different set of thrills. With weather as mixed and varied as we get on the island you never know when the sun will put in a surprise appearance either. The simplicity of being out in nature and embracing the elements is much sought after for those seeking some time away from it all. Overall, the opportunity to recharge and rebalance.

what to do and see
The stunning views and landscapes of Mull are so varied all around the island, we never tire of getting out and exploring. We had been coming on holiday for 20 years before moving here and there are still so many spots we haven’t visited. Even the most familiar haunts are so different from one season to the next. Whether you love your forest walks or coastal headlands, blow the cobwebs away on a windy beach or just driving round the fantastic roads and being wowed by the unfolding drama. For the more adventurous we have plenty hills to explore and the island’s munro Ben More, unique in being climbable from sea level. The wild swimmers out there won’t be disappointed if icy lochs, waterfall pools or steely seas are your thing!
Mull’s wildlife show continues through all seasons whatever the weather. In fact you may have more successful sightings without the summer crowds (everything’s relative!). There are always plenty of animals to spot – some more wild than others. The bird life follows it’s annual pattern with summer visitors leaving, being replaced by wintering guests joining our resident population. The mixed weather brings a new sense of drama and atmospheric scenes. It’s my son’s favourite kind of weather – not as “boring” as the bright sunshine!

We’ve already started seeing some amazing sunsets, and as the nights draw in you don’t have to stay up as late to watch the sun going down! The nights are getting properly dark now. An opportunity to experience stunning starry skies – the milky way, satellites and if you’re really lucky, maybe even the Northern Lights.

cosy on down
Willowbank offers a cosy retreat to return to. Enjoy a wallow in the bath or a nice hot shower. Cook up a storm in the well equipped kitchen and gather round the farmhouse table. Curl up in front of the wood burning stove in the lounge and enjoy a book. Or if you prefer turn on the box and watch your favourite programs.
So if you are looking for a simple break, some time for you – have a look and see what we have to offer. In other words, the perfect place to indulge in some mindfulness. Come and experience the art of Coorie and cosy on down on Mull.
From end of October we offer short breaks and are bookable for anything from 3 nights upwards. Availability and pricing all online.